Recovery time!
PPPPPPPPwooooooooooooooooah what a difference this is: living under the same roof now for a few days, instead of waking up and not knowing where I’ll be in a minute, where I will sleep the next day, what unexpected opportunities crossed my path.
The best thing is, fysically I’m doing super, super good! Better than ever, after a long bike tour. I used to collapse during the day of arrival, not literally, but being extremely slow and tired was the norm. The last four days I felt a bit slow, but not tired. The muscles sometimes starts a little protest, but that’s all!
I’m happy life is uncluttered at the moment. The need for adventure is not present, because I knew the last weeks I would return to this state of being. I left it all on the road and that was the best thing. I had so much adrenaline running, which is an indescribable feeling, but a great one.
The simple life is attractive to me, and will always be. The bike provides it. Waking up, being active, being ready for a new adventure, for unpredictable things