There is rest in Coimbra
Almost 2200 kilometers by bike and a skipped bunch of kilometers by campervan brought me into Coimbra!
There I met Merel, a Dutch friend who is walking to Santiago de Compostella, Spain. We both go in opposite directions in different speeds and different ways, but in Coimbra we found a common speed: 0km/hr. We booked a hostel and enjoyed the perfect weather, it’s for the first time I didn’t used my warm hiking boots during the bike ride since I left the Netherlands. I may have entered Sunny South!
Last week I asked a lot from my body, I’ve been pushing hard through the mountains and I feel like I can use some easier days, so that’s what I’ll do. For the first time that also feels like an option due to the weather. There’s no fun in not biking and being outside when it’s too cold, but now it’s sunny and warm, there’s time during the day to simply sit down and relax.
The bike started making weird notices on multiple places, I will look out for a bike shop next weeks. Although I want to go more south, I don’t mind taking detours now via more beautiful routes. Next days I decide where to go next, but for now and here in Coimbra with a cold and well deserved beer I say: CHEERS!