Happy holidays in Sao Domingos
It’s somewhat holiday time here in Sao Domingos, Santiago do Cacem. Instead of riding, I’m spending my days with playing online chess, reading books, watching series, doing yoga and tiring myself out on the rowing machine.
The weather is far from great with lots of heavy rains, but it is easy to live inside these days. The house is big enough and there are multiple rooms to relax, so I’m far from bored. Actually, I am a bit surprised by the fact that I do not miss the bike this much.
The longer I think about this, the less surprising it is, really. I am in such a great spot, fysically and mentally that I know I am capable of this way of traveling for a long time. Which provides me with a mind at ease, so there is no stress and I am not in a hurry. There will be long and rough days on the bike and off the bike too the next months and probably years, and even more enjoyable days on and off the bike!
For everything there is a time and a place, and I’m now at the right time at the right place.